Vunetrix Network Monitor vCloud

Vunetrix Manual: Vunetrix Server Administrator

In the Vunetrix Server Administrator program you can define different system-oriented settings that affect your Vunetrix installation, as well as restart services and view log information. Note: To get familiar with the different components of Vunetrix, we recommend reading the Architecture section.

Note: All settings made here are only valid for the local installation running on the computer you're opening the program on. You can change many of these settings also via the system administration in Vunetrix's web interface.

From the Vunetrix Network Monitor group in Windows start menu, please select Vunetrix Server Administrator to open the application. You can choose from these options in different tabs:


When closing the program using the Ok button, you are asked to restart the core server Windows service in order to save the settings. Please confirm by clicking the Yes button. Otherwise the changes are ignored.

Web Server

Edit IPs, ports, access methods and language for the Ajax and Mobile Web GUI web interfaces.

Note: You can change all settings which are on the Web Server tab also via Vunetrix's web interface under Setup | System Administration | User Interface.

Vunetrix Server Administrator

Vunetrix Server Administrator

Web Server—Select TCP Port for Vunetrix's Web Server

Vunetrix is running a web server in order to provide the web and Windows interface. Please specify on which port this web server will run.

Secure HTTPS Server (standard port 443, recommended, mandatory for internet access)

  • This is the recommended setting.
  • Use a secure HTTPS connection that is encrypted via SSL on port 443.
  • Note: Although the connection is secure, you will see an SSL Certificate Warning in your browser when logging in to the Vunetrix web interface, because the default certificate is unknown to your browser. You can install another SSL certificate for Vunetrix later. Please see Using Your Own SSL Certificate.
  • Note: If port 80 is free, Vunetrix will reserve it as well. When users try to connect on port 80 via HTTP, they will then be redirected to port 443 via HTTPS. You can change this behavior using a registry setting.


Insecure HTTP server (standard port 80, not recommended)

  • This setting is not recommended for WAN connections.
  • Use a standard web server without SSL encryption on port 80.
  • Note: If used on the internet, attackers could potentially spy on credentials you enter into Vunetrix. We strongly recommend using this option in a LAN only.


Expert configuration

  • This setting allows you to specify a custom web server port and the security of the connection.
  • This option is intended for systems with an existing web server on the standard port.
  • Specify if you want to use an SSL encryption.
  • Enter the desired TCP port number you want the Vunetrix web server to run on. Please enter an integer value.
  • Note: Although if you choose a secure connection, you will see an SSL Certificate Warning in your browser when logging in to the Vunetrix web interface, because the default certificate is unknown to your browser. You can install another SSL certificate for Vunetrix later. Please see Using Your Own SSL Certificate.
  • Note: If no SSL encryption is used on the internet, attackers could potentially spy on credentials you enter into Vunetrix. We strongly recommend using this option in a LAN only.

Web Server—Select IP Address for Vunetrix's Web Server

Vunetrix is running a web server in order to provide access via the web and Windows interface. Please specify which IP address this web server will run on. Note: Later, you can log into Vunetrix by simply pointing your browser to the specified IP address.

Localhost: Use (Vunetrix will not be accessible from other computers)

  • Vunetrix's web and Windows interface will only be accessible from the computer Vunetrix is installed on.
  • Note: Either the selected port or at least one port in the range from 8080 to 8089 has to be available on

Note: If you run Vunetrix on localhost, please do not use the DNS name http://localhost to log in to the web server, as this may considerably slow down Vunetrix's web interface. Please use your local IP address or instead.


All IPs

  • Use all IP addresses available on this computer and enable access to the web server for all of these addresses.
  • Note: The TCP port selected above must be free on every available IP address.


Specify IPs

  • Select specific IP addresses on which the Vunetrix Web server will run on.
  • A list specific to your system is shown.
  • Add a check mark in front of every IP address you want the Vunetrix web server to be available at.
  • Note: Either the selected port or at least one port in the range from 8080 to 8089 has to be available on the specified IP address.

Note: Regardless of the selected setting above, one port in the range from 8080 to 8180 has to be available on the specified IP address so Vunetrix can create reports. The report engine will try to connect to the core server on one of these ports.

Note: If Vunetrix does not find a network card on startup it will switch the IP setting to Localhost. This setting will remain, even if a network card is available later on. If you disabled or removed the network card on the machine running the Vunetrix core server, please re-check this setting.

Select System Language

  • Choose the language for this program from the drop down menu. Default is English. Depending on your installation, you may be able to choose other languages here.
  • This setting will influence the language of this program, as well as the Ajax and the Mobile Web GUI web interfaces.

Core Server

Define settings for the core server.

Vunetrix Server Administrator

Vunetrix Server Administrator

Core Server—Probe Connection Management

In this section you can define how Vunetrix handles incoming connections from probes. Choose between several options.

Note: You can change these settings also via Vunetrix's web interface under Setup | System Administration | Probes.

Accept connections from the Local Probe only

  • This is the default setting.
  • Only local probe connections will be accepted by the Vunetrix core server.
  • You cannot use remote probes with this setting enabled.

Accept connections from remote probes on all IPs

  • Incoming connections from remote probes will always be accepted, no matter on which IP address of the core server they come in.

Accept connections from remote probes on selected IPs only

  • Incoming connections from remote probes will only be accepted on the selected IP address(es) of the core server.
  • In the list, select the IP addresses by adding a check mark in front the IPs.

Core Server—Probe Connections Port

In this section you can define on which TCP port number Vunetrix listens to for incoming probe connections. Enter a port number. We recommend using the default value.

Note: You can change this setting also via Vunetrix's web interface under Setup | System Administration | Probes.

Core Server—Local Storage of Data Files and Monitoring Database

Define the data folder to which Vunetrix will store configuration and monitoring data. Define a path or click on the Revert to default folder to reset to default. Note: Before changing the path, make sure you stop both services and copy all data to the new location.


Do not make any changes in the Cluster tab. The Clustering feature is not currently supported by Vunetrix.


Vunetrix Server Administrator

Vunetrix Server Administrator

Enter the administrator's contact email address and define login credentials for Vunetrix.

Email Address

  • Enter a valid administrator's email address.
  • By default, Vunetrix will send notifications and important messages to this address.


Login Name

  • Enter a name for the Vunetrix System Administrator login; this is your default login.
  • It is used when logging in to the Vunetrix Web- or Windows interface.
  • The default login name is prtgadmin



  • Enter a password for the Vunetrix System Administrator login; this is your default login.
  • It is used when logging in to the Vunetrix Web- or Windows interface.
  • The default password is prtgadmin


Confirm Password

  • Re-enter the password for the Vunetrix System Administrator login.
  • The default password is prtgadmin


To use a Vunetrix license with this installation of Vunetrix, please enter the license information you have received from Vunetrix. To avoid typing errors, please copy and paste both the License Name and the License Key from the email. Both must be transferred exactly as shown in the email.

Vunetrix Server Administrator License Tab

Vunetrix Server Administrator License Tab

To make sure your key has been entered correctly please click on the Check Key button. A popup box will either show success or denial of your license information. License information is also checked if you change tabs.

In the Licensed Edition field you will see an accepted license key.

Note: You have to use the right edition for your license key. For example, the installer for trial and Freeware edition does not accept any commercial keys. For more information, please see Enter a License Key section.


Vunetrix Server Administrator

Vunetrix Server Administrator

You can stop and start the core server Windows service manually. Click the Stop Core Server button to stop the service, and Start Core Server to start it again. Both actions usually take from a few seconds up to several minutes to complete. You can also restart the core server via Vunetrix's web interface under Setup | System Administration | Administrative Tools.

Note: If you want to schedule an automatic restart of Windows services for both core server and probe service, please do so using the Vunetrix Probe Administrator. For more details see Vunetrix Probe Administrator (Start/Stop) section.


Vunetrix Server Administrator

Vunetrix Server Administrator

You can view several logs of your Vunetrix installation. The following buttons are available:

  • View Today's Webserver Log
    Directly view the content of the web server log for the current date.
  • View Core Server System Log
    Directly view the content of the core server system log. Depending on the number of entries, it may take a few seconds until the logs are shown.
  • Open Log Folder...
    Open the log file directory on your hard disk drive to access older web log files, etc.
  • Send Logs to Paessler...
    This button should not be used. Please see below.

Logs—Send Logs to Paessler

Note: This feature is not supported and should not be used. Please contact Vunetrix Technical Support for assistance if required.


The About tab displays version information for installed Vunetrix programs.



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Keywords: Configure,Configure Vunetrix Server,Server Administrator