Vunetrix Network Monitor vCloud

Vunetrix Manual: System Administration—Monitoring

To open system administration, select Setup | System Administration from main menu. Click on the tabs to change the different settings.

System Administration Bar

System Administration Bar

You can define the following aspects of your Vunetrix system setup:

In the monitoring settings you can define global values regarding scanning intervals, unusual and similar sensors detection, auto-discovery, and uptime threshold.

Monitoring Settings

Note: This documentation refers to the Vunetrix System Administrator user accessing the Ajax interface on a master node. For other user accounts, interfaces, or nodes, not all of the options might be available as described. When using a cluster installation, failover nodes are read-only by default.

Scanning Intervals

Available Intervals

Define the intervals available in the drop down list of every object's settings. In the text field, enter one value in each line. Use s, m, h, and d for defining seconds, minutes, hours, and days. By default, there are following scanning intervals defined:

30s: 30 seconds

1m: 1 minute

5m: 5 minutes

10m: 10 minutes

15m: 15 minutes

30m: 30 minutes

1h: 1 hour

4h: 4 hours

6h: 6 hours

12h: 12 hours

1d: 1 day

Note: We recommend not to use intervals shorter than 10 seconds to prevent system overload. Intervals below 10 seconds are not officially supported!

Unusual Detection

The unusual detection can set sensors to an Unusual status when there are values that are untypical for the time span they're measured in, compared to historic monitoring results. When disabled (both settings to Never), sensors will never be shown as unusual. Note: You can enable and disable unusual detection for any object (e.g. for a device, or an entire group) in the Object Settings.

Show Unusual When

Define when a sensor will be shown as unusual, comparing the weekday. Choose between:

  • Never: Disable unusual detection for weekday average.
  • 24h average is <80% or >120% of weekday average
  • 24h average is <50% or >200% of weekday average
  • 24h average is <20% or >500% of weekday average (recommended)
  • 24h average is <10% or >1,000% of weekday average
  • 24h average is <1% or >10,000% of weekday average

Show Unusual When

Define when a sensor will be shown as unusual, comparing the hour-of-day. Choose between:

  • Never: Disable unusual detection for hour-of-day average.
  • 24h average is <80% or >120% of hour-of-day average
  • 24h average is <50% or >200% of hour-of-day average
  • 24h average is <20% or >500% of hour-of-day average (recommended)
  • 24h average is <10% or >1,000% of hour-of-day average
  • 24h average is <1% or >10,000% of hour-of-day average


Define if unusual events will be written to the log file. Choose between:

  • Do not log unusual events
  • Write unusual events into the log

Similar Sensors Detection

Similar sensors detection enables Vunetrix to analyze sensor data for similarities. The detection will run in the background with low priority. The recommended setting for similar sensors detection is to let Vunetrix automatically decide how many channels will be analyzed. However, you can also override this setting. Note: When similar sensors analysis is turned off or you have exceeded 1,000 sensors and have chosen the automatic analysis depth option, the similar sensors entry will not be shown in the main menu bar.

Analysis Depth

Define the number of channels Vunetrix will analyze to detect similarities between sensors or turn the analysis off. Choose between:

  • Manage automatically based on sensor count (recommended): The analysis depth depends on the total number of sensors you have configured. Vunetrix will analyze all channels for up to 500 sensors, and only the primary sensor channels for up to 1,000 sensors. If exceeding 1,000 sensors, the analysis will be turned off.
  • Analyze primary channels only: Only the primary channels of sensors are analyzed. Be aware of potentially high CPU load of Vunetrix when choosing this setting for more than 1,000 sensors.
  • Analyze all channels (higher CPU load): Similarity detection is applied to all channels. Be aware of potentially high CPU load of Vunetrix when choosing this setting for more than 500 sensors.
  • Turn analysis off: No similarity detection will take place. Choose this option if you are not interested in the analysis results or you want to keep Vunetrix's CPU load at a minimum.

Auto-Discovery Settings

Specific Hour

Auto-discoveries can produce a certain load, so you can define at which hour of the day auto-discoveries should be run when configured on a daily or weekly Discovery Schedule. Choose a full hour between 0:00 and 23:00.

Uptime Threshold

Minimum Allowed Uptime Threshold

Define which uptime in percent will be regarded as 100 percent. This setting affects the colors shown next to the sensor icons in reports. Select one of the predefined values between 90 % and 99.999 %.

Click on the Save button to store your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu, all changes to the settings will be lost!



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