Vunetrix Network Monitor vCloud

Vunetrix Manual: Vunetrix Status—Auto-Update

Because Vunetrix Network Monitor uses the PRTG engine by Paessler, whenever a new version of the software is available from the website Vunetrix will download the setup file automatically if a direct internet connection is available. The administrator will then receive a ToDo ticket with instructions to initiate the update installation.

End-users should NEVER use the auto-update feature directly through the interface.

Customers require an active active maintenance contract in order to download the latest version of Vunetrix Network Monitor. For information about updates, please speak to your Vunetrix sales representative about renewing your SMA or contact Vunetrix Tech Support in order to obtain the latest version.

Using Auto-Update

To view the auto-update page of your Vunetrix installation, select Setup | Software Auto-Update from main menu.

Click on the button Show Auto-Update Log to show corresponding log entries.

Automatic Software Update Page

Automatic Software Update Page

If there is a new version available, you will see detailed information about the available version. Please read these notes carefully!

Please contact Vunetrix Technical Support in order to obtain and install the most recent version.

Manually Install an Interim Update

Not all available updates from Paessler will be revised for Vunetrix Network Monitor but they are still available direct from Paessler. Vunetrix recommends that you do not download new versions as the custom interface will be broken by updating directly from Paessler. For more information please contact Vunetrix Tech Support.

Select Other Release Channel

Vunetrix is available in three different release channels. For details about continuous rollout and release channels, please see the blog article in the More section below.

  • Stable: Updated about once a month. Best tested versions. We recommended this channel for live environments you have to depend on!
  • Preview: Updated about once a week. Thoroughly tested in our labs, but may still contain limitations in certain monitoring configurations
  • Canary: Updated every night. Use with caution! Software versions in this channel are not tested yet, might contain severe bugs, and are provided for testing purposes only. We strongly recommend to not use those versions in live environments you have to depend on!
  • Vunetrix strongly discourages using any release channel except Stable and the use of the Auto-Update feature. Please contact Vunetrix Tech Support for further details.

In order to change the release channel you receive updates from, please open the System Administration—Core & Probes page by clicking on the Select Other Release Channel button and change settings in the Vunetrix Software Auto-Update section.


There are a few things we ask you to consider regarding automatic software updates:

  • In order for auto-update to work the machine running the Vunetrix core server needs direct internet access. If a proxy connection is needed, please configure it in the System Administration—Core & Probes settings. For details about the update servers, see More section below.
  • During installation the core server may be restarted without notice.
  • Existing remote probes will be updated automatically, causing short downtimes in monitoring of remote locations. In rare cases a manual update of remote probes is required after you update the core server. In these cases you will be notified in the device tree, and monitoring of remote locations will be interrupted until you perform the manual update on the system(s) running the remote probe(s).
  • In a cluster installation the update needs to be installed on one node only. The new version will then be deployed to all other cluster nodes automatically (causing a short downtime for the monitoring on the cluster nodes, one after another).
  • If you run several individual Vunetrix core servers that are not in a cluster, for example, in combination with the Enterprise Console, an update has to be initiated and confirmed for each single core server.
  • You can disable automatic downloading in the System Administration—Core & Probes settings. Updates will then only be downloaded on request, when you click on the Check For Latest Update and Download button.



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Keywords: Automatic Software Update